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Friday, June 27, 2008

Cant' browse Google

This problem actually occured some times ago in my Windows XP. I cannot browse certain site like Google, MSN, etc. But strangely for local hosted site like detik.com has no problems. The problem can be solved by entering IP address of the sites into url field. But who will waste brain to memorize such thing?

Searching in google come up with solution around DNS issue, proxy, and such kind. I have tried most of solution suggested with no luck. Until last night when the same problem raise again. This time my searching end up to native firewall embedded in motherboard (DFI LPUt nf3 250 GB) using NVidia chipset. In one forum someone suggest that the optimum configuration is just turn it off!.

I try this idea and google.com back in my computer..:))



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